At the heart of Chinese Medicine is an understanding of the energetic relationships between our organ systems and their associated emotions.
Western medicine vs Chinese medicine Unlike western medicine, which treats symptoms or sickness, ancient healing traditions address your symptoms by harmonizing the delicate balance of the energy flow within your body’s organ systems according to Chinese 5 Element Theory. Chi energy should flow smoothly from one organ to the next, clockwise around the elements (see image to the left). Water feeds Wood, Wood feeds Fire, Fire feeds Earth, and Earth feeds Metal. There is beautiful interconnectedness amongst them, almost like a web, whereby, if something negatively affects any organ system, if will affect the smooth flow of energy through all of the organ systems. This harmony can be upset by physical, mental, or emotional states, exposure to infections, toxins, injuries, or emotional or physical trauma.
Chinese Medicine’s view of the Mind-Body Connection In Chinese Medicine, the mind-body connection and its effect on our wellbeing is not a new concept. In fact, Chinese healers have long understood that each organ is responsible for specific emotions that are part our human experience and each one has a specific energy associated with it. Unfortunately, the emotions that cause us trouble, such as sadness, grief, fear, anxiety, disgust, frustration and anger, are each the responsibility of a specific organ and when we become stuck in these emotions or bury them in an attempt to move past them, it upsets the smooth flow of energy through that organ. If this disharmony is not resolved it will eventually become manifested physically, affecting the organ’s function in the body. At this point chronic conditions will set in and will then be detectable by a western medical doctor.
Balancing the Energy Flow through your Meridians - What you can expect The session begins with me sending energy for 10 minutes to increase the chi in your body that can then be used for its own healing or repair. Then, using the strongest energy field in my body, my heart field, I can connect with your energy field and identify the mental, physical and emotional states that are disturbing the smooth flow of chi in your body. I can feel the predominant emotion(s) that are creating this lack of energetic harmony and the specific organ(s) and element associated with it.
All of our experiences and our history leaves impacts in our energy field. Information that is stored in the energy field can be used to determine when in the client’s history predominant emotions took hold. I begin to work on clearing the energetic aspects of past trauma and the emotions associated with them, identify which organs are energetically out of balance and sooth and calm the energy flow within each of these organs and any additional emotional aspects that show in the process.
Benefits of this type of energy clearing may include feeling less burdened, less anxious, less triggered, more trusting in relationships, more adventurous, more playful and you may have more vivid dreams as your subconscious begins to deal with what has been buried.