The Story of How NES Health Began NES Health began its journey over 15 years ago with a humble question…
How can we help someone heal if he’s too sick to get out of bed? This is the question asked by Harry Massey, who eventually became the founder of NES Health. Back in 2000, Harry was suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome which left him bed-ridden for more than 7 years. He had tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach he could find but nothing had given him a permanent cure, that is until he met Peter Frasier, the director of an acupuncture school.
In search of answers to his own health issues, Peter Fraser was determined to learn the science behind how energy works in the body. Fraser believed that if he could resolve the energy level at a certain troublesome point(s) in the body, then that would “unclog” the overall natural energy flow or Qi throughout his whole body and restore himself to proper health.
Peter began with studying the energetic response of his own acupuncture points to dilutions from plants and other substances. For over 30 years, Fraser experimented with acquired ampoules, which contained the homeopathic, or energetic signatures of just about everything of importance in the body. He had ampoules representing nearly two hundred different kinds of cells and various kinds of tissues, from skin to gut to brain samples, and blood, enzymes, hormones, and the like. He set out to match energetic aspects of the contents of each ampoule to various acupuncture points on the body, using himself as the guinea pig.
This work led to Peter’s mapping out the complete Chinese acupuncture meridian system, demonstrating how this system worked within the body by connecting to every cell. In this way, Peter continued to map out the different elements that make up the human body field, and developed many liquid remedies that ‘matched with’ the energy within each meridian and the energy within specific cells. Later he called these remedies infoceuticals.
Harry learned about Peter Frasier and his research after trying everything else that could find to address his health issues. He reached out to him and volunteered to try his remedies, and amazingly, over the next two years was able to make a full recovery.
Peter and Harry began working together, combining Peter’s stunning research with Harry’s entrepreneurial skills and remarkable technological insights. They founded NES Health to develop practical applications based on this new understanding of the information and energy that make up the Body-Field. Together they were able to create a wellness system that would address a sick person’s cellular dysfunction through correcting mistakes in their energy field that carries the energetic language of the cells.